Ask me to give you the nations and I will do it, and they shall become your legacy.
Your domain will stretch to the ends of the earth.
Psalm 2:8 The Passion Translation

Mission Vision and Value Statements
His Way Ministries will raise up a people who in these last days will preach the Gospel of the Kingdom with signs and wonders following in demonstration of God's Spirit and power to usher in the return of our King, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Our vision declares a vibrant Church that loves and worships God first, thus allowing Him to transform our lives His Way that we may be anointed called-ones imparting hope and freedom to this lost and dying world.
Salvation includes the forgiveness of sins, healing for the body, and freedom from torment.
All believers are called to be ministers of the Gospel with signs and wonders following.
Corporate worship in spirit and in truth is our ministry to God, it is necessary for our spiritual growth and will be enjoyed with freedom after the manner of King David who danced before the Lord with all his might.
We will cultivate a culture of love, a culture of faith, a culture of honor, and a culture of miracles to bring God's Kingdom from Heaven to earth by consistently allowing the Holy Spirit to have His way.
Leadership will be through a plurality of elders focused on equipping the saints for the work of the ministry.
Our Pastors

Steve and Barb Peterson
Steve was ordained in 1990 with the Full Gospel Fellowship of Churches and Ministers International of Oregon and has been involved in Pastoral ministry since that time.
Barb has a heart to see the lost and broken healed and delivered. She is the Director of the Jireh House that ministers to women.
Steve and Barb have lived in the Albany area since 1991.
Barb has a heart to see the lost and broken healed and delivered. She is the Director of the Jireh House that ministers to women.
Steve and Barb have lived in the Albany area since 1991.